Friday, October 21, 2011

SPAR-KA-LAY!....and a winner!

We're back today doing a shared post with Bugaboo Stamps!
Bugaboo has generously donated a $21 gift certificate to one lucky winner this week!
And the best part?  Two members of the Bugaboo team played along with us this week - be sure to check out their blog today.

Before we get to the new challenge, let's announce the winner from last week.  I've got a $15 Paper Makeup Stamps gift certificate for.......
Here's her gorgeous polka dot entry...
*Merethe - send me a message to brucklerATcomcastDOTnet and I'll get you your prize!

Only 4 challenges left this year!
This week we want to see all that sparkly stuff - glitter, Stickles, glaze pens.  Whatever will make your holiday project super sparkly is what we want to see!

Here's some inspiration from the Bugaboo team...

And here's some inspiration from the CSAYL team...
by Kerry.
by Lisa

by Patty.

by Judy.

Now it's your turn!
Show us how you make your holiday card or project SPAR-KA-LAY!


Merethe said...

Thank you so much for choosen me at your winner. I have a new card on for this one also :)

Hugs from Merethe

Anonymous said...

Great challenge and Dt cards girls! thanks :0)

Pat (mspfd) said...

Thanks for the inspiration and challenge!

Suzi Mac said...

Wonderful examples from the DT. I can't find a link to enter but HERE is my card.
Suzi x

Pam Sparks said...

thanks for the fun challenge!

Crafty Math Chick said...

Thanks for the fun challenge - who doesn't love cards that sparkle?!! Lovely samples from the DT!

Frances said...

Thanks for a fun challenge, hugs, Frances.

Elise Dixon said...

I enjoyeed reading this